Saturday, November 29, 2014

Is Autism today the same as Autism 50 years ago?

Today, according to the CDC’s recommended immunization schedule, a child receives 36 shots containing a total of 126 vaccines from birth through six years of age. This is quadruple the number of vaccines a child received in the 1980’s. In 1983 a child received only 10 shots containing 30 vaccines. Could this quadrupling of the vaccination schedule be responsible for the drastic increase in childhood disorders we are seeing today?

Today, one in five children suffers from asthma, one in six children is diagnosed with a learning disability, one in 150 children is diagnosed with autism, one in 250 children has some form of arthritis, and one in every 400 children has diabetes.

 I do not know what I would do if I had a child today concerning vaccinations. I do know  I am thankful for the Internet. Doing research on articles written on the subject matter I wish to learn about. I first read the article and then I read the comments posted by the people. Here is a quote from a man who's child was born healthy and things changed after vaccination:

 "Everything you have said could be true and there may still be a link to autism from some unknown mechanism related to vaccines. Two things contribute to parents beliefs about vaccinations … 1) Government owned by big drug companies that has seemed to have a default deny/lie first approach. We don’t trust the government. You can have a scientist say anything you want him to say if he is on the payroll. We don’t know who to believe when everyone says the other guy’s study is flawed. 2) Seeing the aftermath of a vaccination and enjoying the ineptness of the medical establishment to help. Neurologists just prescribe X or Y drug and that’s about it. They are doing more experimenting on kids than the parents you talk about. All I know is that right after my daughter had 4 month vaccine, she had a seizure. The default position from the first second is NO WAY IT WAS THE VACCINE. All good for a couple of months until the 6 month vaccines, then we started our run of 300+ seizures. We saw some of the best neurologists and in retrospect they were useless." 
Autusimdad -July 16, 2008  Toxic myths about vaccines

The article "Toxic Myths about vaccines" is written to prove what we read on the Internet is false and people should trust the Doctor, the Pharmaceutical companies and anyone who wants to take you on a guilt trip on your decision. Something is drastically wrong in this world with more diseases being borne, I cannot help but think they are the result of man in the quest to control and destroy the growing number of people in this world.

Do not give your power away to anyone, especially when it comes to a baby who cannot tell you how it feels after being vaccinated. Do the research and ask questions.

I found a book on the website 
 perhaps this might help find a way to help 
heal the children with Autism and special needs.

 Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs: A Guide to Help Parents and Those who Work with Children Heal their Children Now  
                                                               Shelley Tzorfas

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Ebola virus attacks immune cells

The Ebola virus attacks immune cells and can cause the immune system release a "storm" of inflammatory molecules, which cause tiny blood vessels to burst leading to blood pressure to drop. The result is lack of blood flow to vital organs that will eventually stop working.

Who thinks about the importance of a healthy immune system playing a key factor in keeping a person free of illness. Humans tend to forget and seemingly buy into the news media advertising of what one should eat and drink. Then when illness hits, the first question most likely asked is: "How could this happen?" or "Why did this happen to me?"

Maybe Ebola and all these viruses are messengers to us to start questioning what we eat and drink. Through out history there have been plagues and illness that have killed many people. There have been stories of people living and working in the area of plagues and/or illness that never were affected. It would seem the protector of those people was not just luck, but perhaps a healthy immune system.

Taking responsibility for your health begins with you. 

The Internet offers a person the ability to research and find helpful tips.

Here is an example I found on:

Turmeric Smoothie Recipe Makes A Delicious & Powerful Antioxidant

The active compound curcumin is known to have a wide range of medicinal benefits including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumor, antibacterial,
 and antiviral activities.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ebola the health crises in America

It seems the news media main purpose in this day and age is to create fear and panic. Is it their goal to keep the people in this country in a total state of fear?  Will the masses accept anything even if it means the loss of freedom?  I do not know the answer, but I do know that the internet offers a way for people to do their own research in finding answers to staying healthy.
Ebola is a virus, like any viral infection, can only be cured by a strong immune system.
Nature has always given mankind the material to help cure an illness. Somewhere along the way, mankind decided chemical medicine was better than Mother Nature's natural way. If you do the research, you will read that many herbs and spices have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that help the body fight infections.
What else can you take to prevent a viral infection like Ebola? One of the answers are Vitamins like C, D and A. Vitamin C activates the immune system so that it can fight any infection. Vitamin A and D can also stimulate the immune system to fight viral infections.  Why not start your own research today to find what other natural supplements are available to help the immune system to stay strong.
Lastly, it is important to maintain hydration and eat healthy food. Today's food is highly processed and the economy almost dictates what a person can afford to eat. So what is a person to do? The answer is to do the best you can and try to choose the least evil of the two by reading the ingredients on the packaging.
Finally, I cannot stress enough the importance of exercise. Exercise stimulates the immune system. Anything to get a person outside is much better than sitting and watching TV all the time. Why? Because one step will lead to two and in doing this; you will start to take responsibility for your health. The choice is yours.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Does Passionflower offer health benefits?

I am totally fascinated with Nature. The Passionflower is most unique. Why? the plant is so smart in its efforts to prevent butterflies laying to many eggs on its leaves by bearing small nubs to resemble laid eggs. The reason is that butterfly eggs hatch larvae and larvae feed on the vines leaves.
With over 500 species worldwide, many Passionflower vines also exhibit other traits to guarantee their effort of survival. I suggest you do your research to learn more about amazing plant.
The ancient Aztecs reportedly used passionflower as a sedative and pain reliever. Today Passionflower is used as a calming herb for anxiety, insomnia, restlessness and blood pressure.

Passionflower is generally considered to be nontoxic when used in moderation. Many herbalists prescribe three or four cups a day without any problems reported. Do not take passionflower if you are already taking prescription medication for anxiety or depression, as excessive sleepiness has been reported.

 Passionflower tea can be made by infusing 1 tablespoon of dried herbs in 1 cup boiling water. Let the mixture steep for about 10 minutes. Drink the tea near bedtime to induce restful sleep.Or use two droppers-full (about 50 drops) of tincture in warm water as a tea before bed.

I only present ideas and always suggest the person reading this further their own research. As they say knowledge is power, also never take another person's word until you find out for yourself.
Nature's health food store has much to offer you  without the side effects  of prescription drugs.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The five spices are Cinnamon, Peppercorns, Star Anise and Cloves

All contain ingredients to help you stay healthy.

Cinnamon -Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia  

Ceylon cinnamon is known as “true cinnamon.” This is NOT the predominant spice typically sold as cinnamon in the United States. What is commonly found at your grocer is a closely related and less expensive variety called Cassia cinnamon. A critical difference between Ceylon and Cassia is the coumarin content of Cassia. Coumarin is a naturally occurring toxin which has the potential to damage the liver in high doses. Cassia contains high levels of coumarin, whereas Ceylon contains either undetectable levels or only traces of coumarin.The true cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants. It reduces the amount of fat circulating in your blood stream, opens blood vessels and blocks plaque build up in the arteries. 
Your health depends on what you feed it. Therefore, organic Ceylon cinnamon is the way to go. One teaspoon of true cinnamon contains as many antioxidants as a half-cup of blueberries or a full glass of pomegranate juice.

Peppercorns-White, black and green peppercorns all come from the same vine. They grow in clusters (like grapes), and are harvested in various stages of growth. Green peppercorns are young when they are picked and dehydrated or preserved, with a resulting mild flavor. The black peppercorns are left on the vine to fully mature and develop a stronger flavor profile. White peppercorns are black peppercorns which have been soaked to remove the outer casing. This gives the white peppercorns a more intense flavor, with a slightly fermented taste and smell from the soaking process.

 Pepper has been used for centuries in traditional Eastern medicine to treat gastrointestinal distress, pain, inflammation and other disorders. Black pepper stimulates the taste buds,and send a signal to the stomach to increase hydrochloric acid secretions for digestion.  Poor digestion leads to unfriendly gut bacteria and chronic disease.
Peppercorn contains natural chemicals that trigger the release of digestive enzymes and gastric juices to break down food and absorb nutrients more easily.

Anise-  contains some of the important plants derived chemical compounds that are known to have been anti-oxidant,antimicrobial , disease preventing, and health promoting properties.

Anise seed oil obtained from extraction of the seeds is anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, digestive, expectorant, stimulant and tonic. A tea can be made by steeping the seeds in boiling water, but the ground seeds may also be taken dry.

Cloves- A recent study show CLOVE an active immune system fighter to wipe out the germ! This warm, spicy clove helps remove toxins and pollutants from your body It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Now that you read a little bit about these spices. Why not take the time to do your own research.

 There is a vast amount of information that can not be shown on a blog page.

The Dandelion the misunderstood healing plant

Humans have yet to understand the wonders of Nature and the plants growing on this earth to help us stay healthy or heal. Mankind being so superior , in thinking it is smarter than Nature, has a track record of messing up what Nature created. Nature creates without destroying anything else that is growing on the land like Monsanto is doing.

Take the lowly weed called Dandelion. We call it a weed why?

 Is it because the Dandelion messes up the appearance of our wonderful lawns?

You are willing to use Pesticides and Herbicides to create the perfect look, so your neighbors will look in wonder at your beautiful lawn. Wow wee!

Ever wonder why cancer is the number one killer?

Why are children getting cancer?

Could it be they play on the lawn that you sprayed with chemicals?

Why are our animal companions dying of cancer?

They walk and eat the grass you sprayed with chemicals.

Best part the bag reads "wash hands immediately" or change clothes if it gets on them.  What do we tell the wild life that may stray on it? Guess as guardians of this Earth, we are not taking the job seriously. Pay back is at hand.

Just think a lawn  will be there long  after you are gone,  and hopefully your passing will not be cancer as the result of all the years you sprayed chemicals on your lovely lawn!

 “There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.” -

See more at:

“There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.” - See more at:

“There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.” - See more at:

Nature's health food store is there for us to bring us back to health. Enter the Dandelion.

There are many varieties of dandelion, but the common dandelion is scientifically known as Taraxacum Officinale.  Dandelion, which literally translates into “lion’s tooth” in French. Is it named that because it is powerful? It is rich in vitamin-A, C, iron and calcium and detoxifiers which explains its common inclusion in medicines.

The health benefits of Dandelion include relief from liver disorders, diabetes, urinary disorders, acne, jaundice, cancer and anemia.

Dandelion's detoxify your liver of toxins you have ingested through food and water. All the above benefits without side effects like the prescription drugs. Dandelions work, it just takes more time to build up in the system.  Whereas, the chemical drugs work faster but have more side effects that are harmful to the body. Or the real problem of toxins is overloading the liver's work load!

Almost all the parts of the plant, leaves, flower tops, and root, are being used either for culinary purpose or as a curative remedy for certain medical conditions.

 Fresh dandelion greens, flower tops, and roots contain valuable constituents that are known to have anti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties.

Its leaves are packed with numerous health benefiting flavonoids such as carotene-β, carotene-α, lutein, crypto-xanthin and zea-xanthn. Consumption of natural foods rich in vitamin-A and flavonoids (carotene) helps body protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. Zeaxanthin has photo-filtering functions and protects retina from UV rays.

The herb's minerals are potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium.

 While dandelion greens can be found at health food stores, co-ops and farmers markets, they are probably widely available during the spring and early summer months in your own backyard.

 I wouldn't take any from the side of the road. The land might have been treated with pesticides, herbicides or other contaminants. Avoid urban or industrial waste lots as heavy metals (lead, mercury) and other pollutants in the soil might be absorbed into the plant.

 Raw dandelion greens' bitter taste might take some getting used to, but cooking the greens mellows their flavor. Try sauteing them in low-sodium broth along with diced onions or minced garlic, or steam them for a healthful side dish.

When you look upon the lowly Dandelion and think it an eyesore. Try to remember people who have been diagnosed with cancer and see their faces of fear. Do you really want to use pesticides and herbicides on your lawn?

Youngevity products are availability besides survival food for emergencies

What plant will ease the stinging and burn brought about by its leaves?

The answer is the Stinging Nettle.

Stinging nettle has been used by mankind for at least 2000 years. They used the thick, square, hairy stems to weave linen. Hard to believe this plant with sticky bristles could be turned into cloth.
It also was the source of food and as medicine at one time before modern man deemed it to be called a weed. and over 500 varieties are found throughout the world. Amazing how this plant that is called a weed has so many uses. This humble, misunderstood plant is looked down by us today. Why, all because of its outward appearance of fuzzy bristles, coarsely veined,and sharp toothed leaves.This statement almost reflects how we humans judge everything and everybody by their outward appearance! Perhaps, the message is to give everything a chance by finding out more about it, before we pass judgement.

The stinging nettle is one plant I  have always dreaded when I walked in an area with tall growing weeds. What would happen when I brushed up against it, it was all I could ever think of. Then it would happen, my skin would brush against it, and I would feel the stinging  sensation for hours. I sure wish I had taken the time to read about this plant instead of cursing it. Did you know this plant has a benevolent side to it? The Nettle juice will ease the stinging of the rash brought about by contact with the plant's own bristled leaves! Now what other plant can hurt you and heal you?

Yes, this plant might be the symbol of changing mankind on how we judge each other. Until we understand, we will never know what is hidden within each other or thing that has goodness but is hidden by a facade.

Lastly, on a health note the Stinging Nettle has the ability to stop all kinds of internal and external bleeding, and it is thought to be a good blood purifier. Taken as a tea, it has been found to help cure mucus congestion, skin irritations, water retention, and diarrhea.

So give that weed a second chance. After all Mother Nature placed it there for a reason. It is up to you decide why?

The Marigold is not a rose but has many healing properties

The Marigold, it is not a rose with wonderful fragrance and yet, to me it is beautiful. The more I did research on it, I realize how important it is.

My involvement in wanting to know the natural ways to address health issues led me to realize that my body knew what is good for me. You are probably asking how or why?

Now I realize the processed food is not good for me, but I do love certain things more than a vegetable. I often wondered if there was only two items offered me to eat, what would I choose?  Hopefully, I would choose the healthier of the two. I still would think about the chocolate cake while I ate the carrot!

I love carrots, beets, lima beans and brussel sprouts to name a few. Everyone of them has something that would benefit what is going on with my health. Of course, the question: "Do I eat them on a daily basis?" and the honest answer would be "No".

The Marigold flower has long been used for medicinal purposes. Calendula has a high content of flavonoids, chemicals that act as anti-oxidants in the body. Anti-oxidants are thought to protect body cells from damage caused by a chemical process called oxidation. Oxidation produces oxygen free radicals, natural chemicals that may suppress immune function.

Marigold or more commonly called Calendula is sold as a cream and tea.

Calendula cream is good for acne and nappy rash.The tea infusion is good for digestion and relieves colitis.

Why not do your own research on this flower. You will be amazed at the other health benefits it has to offer. Just think one little flower like the Marigold has to offer: Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant,  anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, anti-viral, and astringent.

Jamaica's Rainforest is loaded with healing plants

I have been to St. John's Virgin Island but have never been to Jamaica.

I love the music and I love to hear the people talk. Most important, now, that there exists a Rain Forest close to home. We know many medicinal plants have been found in the Rain Forest of South America. I can not wonder what lies in Jamaica's rain forest? Or is it slowly disappearing from the island, for the sake of building "Resorts" for tourists?

"Jamaica's climate is tropical, supporting diverse ecosystems with a wealth of plants and animals.

Jamaica's plant life has changed considerably over the centuries. When the Spanish arrived in 1494, except for small agricultural clearings, the country was deeply forested. The European settlers cut down the great timber trees for building and ships' supplies, and cleared the plains, savannas, and mountain slopes for intense agricultural cultivation. Many new plants were introduced including sugarcane, bananas, and citrus trees."

Here are just two healing plants that we have available for us to use for our well being. Allspice is one, I think, I will make sure I have on hand as you read, you will understand why.

ALLSPICE: Jamaicans call it 'pimento berries' it contains eugenol, a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial compound proven to kill germs on contact. It even zaps bacteria that creates food poisoning like E. coli and salmonella. Studies done in Japan show it can help stop growth of cancer cells.

VERVAIN- contain a chemical called hispidulin which opens airways to ease wheezing. It also contains tannins which act as germ killing antiseptic in the body. Also, it contains sedative properties to calm the nervous system. Jamaicans have used this flower for a long time to quell coughs and respiratory issues.

Just two healing foods from Jamaica and there are more. Why not do your own research to see that Jamaica has more to offer than just a place to visit. Or better yet, why not go there to see the Rain Forest where Mother Nature's has her health food store!

The Amazon Rainforest a treasure trove of healing herbs

The Amazon rainforest is considered a treasure trove of undiscovered medicinal plants.

 You can not help but ask yourself why we, as a human race, are indifferent to what is happening in the deforesting on the land. Why don't we do more to make sure the Rainforest is protected?

 I guess it is no different than what I over heard in a conversation about the loss of farm lands. The other person in the conversation stated that what is the big concern when you can go to the local grocery store to purchase your produce! Such simple minds with a simple solution that knows not the reality.

The Rainforest, the richest botanical resource in the world, contains healing herbs that are more effective than prescription drugs with fewer side effects. With this knowledge, are you asking yourself the question why nothing is done to stop the destruction of the Rainforest?

Catuaba-The bark of the catuaba tree contains alkaloids that have proven effective to treat anxiety and stress. We live in a time filled with stressful events, so how thoughtfull Nature is!

Catuaba calms the nerves almost instantly. In addition it is helpful in fatigue, insomnia and forgetfulness.

Cat's Claw-Indigenous peoples have long used cat’s claw to treat inflammation, arthritis, stomach ulcers, and infections. It contains powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that support DNA repair, joint health, immune function, and normal cell division.

Cat’s claw may aid the fight against cancer by promoting healthy cell division, promoting the death of leukemia cells (cancer of the blood), and inhibiting the proliferation of breast cancer cell.

Pau d'arco- Packed with antioxidants and flavonoids like co-enzyme Q10. This herb boosts white blood cells, boosts immune system and kills bacteria and fungi. Studies has shown it can even fight off infections such as antibiotic resistant staph.

Take the time to do your own research to find additional information on other Rainforest healing plants.

Humans have a tendency to want to feel better fast. Sometimes at the expense of side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Nature's medicine takes time to build up in your body to work. Just like prescription drugs, what works for one does not mean it will work for someone else.

Welcome to Health, Herbs and Flowers

Welcome to Health, Herbs and Flowers. This page is dedicated to sharing valuable information about the use of herbs and flowers to create vibrant health.

Everyone gets ill from time to time. The body naturally has the power to heal.  Allopathic medicine treats the patient with prescription medications which may offer a temporary relief of symptoms but can also produce many unwanted side effects.

Naturopathic medicine combines the science that is found in nature to treat a person holistically. Nature has already provided many natural cures that pharmaceutical drugs imitate. In many cases, Nature has provided a more powerful and safer solution.