Saturday, November 29, 2014

Is Autism today the same as Autism 50 years ago?

Today, according to the CDC’s recommended immunization schedule, a child receives 36 shots containing a total of 126 vaccines from birth through six years of age. This is quadruple the number of vaccines a child received in the 1980’s. In 1983 a child received only 10 shots containing 30 vaccines. Could this quadrupling of the vaccination schedule be responsible for the drastic increase in childhood disorders we are seeing today?

Today, one in five children suffers from asthma, one in six children is diagnosed with a learning disability, one in 150 children is diagnosed with autism, one in 250 children has some form of arthritis, and one in every 400 children has diabetes.

 I do not know what I would do if I had a child today concerning vaccinations. I do know  I am thankful for the Internet. Doing research on articles written on the subject matter I wish to learn about. I first read the article and then I read the comments posted by the people. Here is a quote from a man who's child was born healthy and things changed after vaccination:

 "Everything you have said could be true and there may still be a link to autism from some unknown mechanism related to vaccines. Two things contribute to parents beliefs about vaccinations … 1) Government owned by big drug companies that has seemed to have a default deny/lie first approach. We don’t trust the government. You can have a scientist say anything you want him to say if he is on the payroll. We don’t know who to believe when everyone says the other guy’s study is flawed. 2) Seeing the aftermath of a vaccination and enjoying the ineptness of the medical establishment to help. Neurologists just prescribe X or Y drug and that’s about it. They are doing more experimenting on kids than the parents you talk about. All I know is that right after my daughter had 4 month vaccine, she had a seizure. The default position from the first second is NO WAY IT WAS THE VACCINE. All good for a couple of months until the 6 month vaccines, then we started our run of 300+ seizures. We saw some of the best neurologists and in retrospect they were useless." 
Autusimdad -July 16, 2008  Toxic myths about vaccines

The article "Toxic Myths about vaccines" is written to prove what we read on the Internet is false and people should trust the Doctor, the Pharmaceutical companies and anyone who wants to take you on a guilt trip on your decision. Something is drastically wrong in this world with more diseases being borne, I cannot help but think they are the result of man in the quest to control and destroy the growing number of people in this world.

Do not give your power away to anyone, especially when it comes to a baby who cannot tell you how it feels after being vaccinated. Do the research and ask questions.

I found a book on the website 
 perhaps this might help find a way to help 
heal the children with Autism and special needs.

 Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs: A Guide to Help Parents and Those who Work with Children Heal their Children Now  
                                                               Shelley Tzorfas

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