Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Ebola virus attacks immune cells

The Ebola virus attacks immune cells and can cause the immune system release a "storm" of inflammatory molecules, which cause tiny blood vessels to burst leading to blood pressure to drop. The result is lack of blood flow to vital organs that will eventually stop working.

Who thinks about the importance of a healthy immune system playing a key factor in keeping a person free of illness. Humans tend to forget and seemingly buy into the news media advertising of what one should eat and drink. Then when illness hits, the first question most likely asked is: "How could this happen?" or "Why did this happen to me?"

Maybe Ebola and all these viruses are messengers to us to start questioning what we eat and drink. Through out history there have been plagues and illness that have killed many people. There have been stories of people living and working in the area of plagues and/or illness that never were affected. It would seem the protector of those people was not just luck, but perhaps a healthy immune system.

Taking responsibility for your health begins with you. 

The Internet offers a person the ability to research and find helpful tips.

Here is an example I found on:

Turmeric Smoothie Recipe Makes A Delicious & Powerful Antioxidant

The active compound curcumin is known to have a wide range of medicinal benefits including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-tumor, antibacterial,
 and antiviral activities.

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