Saturday, July 19, 2014

What plant will ease the stinging and burn brought about by its leaves?

The answer is the Stinging Nettle.

Stinging nettle has been used by mankind for at least 2000 years. They used the thick, square, hairy stems to weave linen. Hard to believe this plant with sticky bristles could be turned into cloth.
It also was the source of food and as medicine at one time before modern man deemed it to be called a weed. and over 500 varieties are found throughout the world. Amazing how this plant that is called a weed has so many uses. This humble, misunderstood plant is looked down by us today. Why, all because of its outward appearance of fuzzy bristles, coarsely veined,and sharp toothed leaves.This statement almost reflects how we humans judge everything and everybody by their outward appearance! Perhaps, the message is to give everything a chance by finding out more about it, before we pass judgement.

The stinging nettle is one plant I  have always dreaded when I walked in an area with tall growing weeds. What would happen when I brushed up against it, it was all I could ever think of. Then it would happen, my skin would brush against it, and I would feel the stinging  sensation for hours. I sure wish I had taken the time to read about this plant instead of cursing it. Did you know this plant has a benevolent side to it? The Nettle juice will ease the stinging of the rash brought about by contact with the plant's own bristled leaves! Now what other plant can hurt you and heal you?

Yes, this plant might be the symbol of changing mankind on how we judge each other. Until we understand, we will never know what is hidden within each other or thing that has goodness but is hidden by a facade.

Lastly, on a health note the Stinging Nettle has the ability to stop all kinds of internal and external bleeding, and it is thought to be a good blood purifier. Taken as a tea, it has been found to help cure mucus congestion, skin irritations, water retention, and diarrhea.

So give that weed a second chance. After all Mother Nature placed it there for a reason. It is up to you decide why?

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