Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Dandelion the misunderstood healing plant

Humans have yet to understand the wonders of Nature and the plants growing on this earth to help us stay healthy or heal. Mankind being so superior , in thinking it is smarter than Nature, has a track record of messing up what Nature created. Nature creates without destroying anything else that is growing on the land like Monsanto is doing.

Take the lowly weed called Dandelion. We call it a weed why?

 Is it because the Dandelion messes up the appearance of our wonderful lawns?

You are willing to use Pesticides and Herbicides to create the perfect look, so your neighbors will look in wonder at your beautiful lawn. Wow wee!

Ever wonder why cancer is the number one killer?

Why are children getting cancer?

Could it be they play on the lawn that you sprayed with chemicals?

Why are our animal companions dying of cancer?

They walk and eat the grass you sprayed with chemicals.

Best part the bag reads "wash hands immediately" or change clothes if it gets on them.  What do we tell the wild life that may stray on it? Guess as guardians of this Earth, we are not taking the job seriously. Pay back is at hand.

Just think a lawn  will be there long  after you are gone,  and hopefully your passing will not be cancer as the result of all the years you sprayed chemicals on your lovely lawn!

 “There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.” -

See more at:

“There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.” - See more at:

“There is nothing in the natural environment that can cause cancer. So it has to be a man-made disease, down to pollution and changes to our diet and lifestyle.” - See more at:

Nature's health food store is there for us to bring us back to health. Enter the Dandelion.

There are many varieties of dandelion, but the common dandelion is scientifically known as Taraxacum Officinale.  Dandelion, which literally translates into “lion’s tooth” in French. Is it named that because it is powerful? It is rich in vitamin-A, C, iron and calcium and detoxifiers which explains its common inclusion in medicines.

The health benefits of Dandelion include relief from liver disorders, diabetes, urinary disorders, acne, jaundice, cancer and anemia.

Dandelion's detoxify your liver of toxins you have ingested through food and water. All the above benefits without side effects like the prescription drugs. Dandelions work, it just takes more time to build up in the system.  Whereas, the chemical drugs work faster but have more side effects that are harmful to the body. Or the real problem of toxins is overloading the liver's work load!

Almost all the parts of the plant, leaves, flower tops, and root, are being used either for culinary purpose or as a curative remedy for certain medical conditions.

 Fresh dandelion greens, flower tops, and roots contain valuable constituents that are known to have anti-oxidant, disease preventing, and health promoting properties.

Its leaves are packed with numerous health benefiting flavonoids such as carotene-β, carotene-α, lutein, crypto-xanthin and zea-xanthn. Consumption of natural foods rich in vitamin-A and flavonoids (carotene) helps body protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. Zeaxanthin has photo-filtering functions and protects retina from UV rays.

The herb's minerals are potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, and magnesium.

 While dandelion greens can be found at health food stores, co-ops and farmers markets, they are probably widely available during the spring and early summer months in your own backyard.

 I wouldn't take any from the side of the road. The land might have been treated with pesticides, herbicides or other contaminants. Avoid urban or industrial waste lots as heavy metals (lead, mercury) and other pollutants in the soil might be absorbed into the plant.

 Raw dandelion greens' bitter taste might take some getting used to, but cooking the greens mellows their flavor. Try sauteing them in low-sodium broth along with diced onions or minced garlic, or steam them for a healthful side dish.

When you look upon the lowly Dandelion and think it an eyesore. Try to remember people who have been diagnosed with cancer and see their faces of fear. Do you really want to use pesticides and herbicides on your lawn?

Youngevity products are availability besides survival food for emergencies

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