Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ebola the health crises in America

It seems the news media main purpose in this day and age is to create fear and panic. Is it their goal to keep the people in this country in a total state of fear?  Will the masses accept anything even if it means the loss of freedom?  I do not know the answer, but I do know that the internet offers a way for people to do their own research in finding answers to staying healthy.
Ebola is a virus, like any viral infection, can only be cured by a strong immune system.
Nature has always given mankind the material to help cure an illness. Somewhere along the way, mankind decided chemical medicine was better than Mother Nature's natural way. If you do the research, you will read that many herbs and spices have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that help the body fight infections.
What else can you take to prevent a viral infection like Ebola? One of the answers are Vitamins like C, D and A. Vitamin C activates the immune system so that it can fight any infection. Vitamin A and D can also stimulate the immune system to fight viral infections.  Why not start your own research today to find what other natural supplements are available to help the immune system to stay strong.
Lastly, it is important to maintain hydration and eat healthy food. Today's food is highly processed and the economy almost dictates what a person can afford to eat. So what is a person to do? The answer is to do the best you can and try to choose the least evil of the two by reading the ingredients on the packaging.
Finally, I cannot stress enough the importance of exercise. Exercise stimulates the immune system. Anything to get a person outside is much better than sitting and watching TV all the time. Why? Because one step will lead to two and in doing this; you will start to take responsibility for your health. The choice is yours.